Need to find a doctor, hospital or pharmacy? Here’s a quick how-to.

Find a network provider or facility close to you. Log in to your member account to see cost estimates for more than 1,500 services.

Type of care

Select the type of care

  1. Click the square for the provider/facility/specialty to search.

Provider finder care selection page

Choose your network

  1. Select the appropriate square for the provider/facility/specialty to search
  2. If you don't know your Member ID Prefix click on "I don't have a prefix/ I don't know my prefix" and type the first several letters of your network.
  3. A drop-down box will appear with possible matches
  4. Choose a network
  5. Select next

What type of insurance do you have screenshot

Search page

Finding a provider or facility by searching by name

  1. Select type of care if it is different from what is displayed
  2. Select network if it is different from what is displayed
  3. Narrow the search by selecting the appropriate radio button
  4. Type the first several letters of the provider's first or last name, the facility name, the specialty, or the condition to search in the search box
  5. If needed, modify the default location in the location box and/or the default distance in the distance box.
  6. Select the find your provider button to go to the provider or facility profile

Figure 3a

Advanced searching with filters

Using the advanced search option

Refine search results by using filter options, including distance, specialties, accepting new patients, board certification, language and gender.

  1. Select the down arrow beside the filter
  2. Check the box to the left of the option

Advanced search feature

Provider profile

  1. The specialty is below the provider/facility name
  2. More information is linked to the right of the provider/facility name
  3. Selected location will allow you to see the details on the specific location
  4. Select the up arrow to see the other provider locations
  5. Select the circle beside other location to see information about the specific location
  6. The left side shows hours for the location
  7. Affiliations are listed below the hours
  8. The specific network is displayed to the right of the affiliations
  9. Additional services are below affiliations

Profile page

Retrieving provider lists

  1. Select to display saved provider list
  2. Select to change to Spanish

Favorites page screenshot

Provider list

  1. Save or print your provider list
  2. Remove from favorites list

Favorites page screenshot

Compare providers

  1. Select the add to compare button next to the providers to compare
  2. Select remove from compare to remove a provider
  3. Select the green compare button to show the provider comparison results
  4. Provider comparison results

Compare providers page screenshot

Compare page screenshot

Estimate and compare costs

Shop and compare prices and quality ratings from providers in your health plan.

Cost Estimator

  1. After logging in to your Capital Blue Cross member account, select the See Costs and Savings tile at the bottom of the page.

Cost estimator page screenshot


  1. Search for medical services from any page
  2. Health Plan Status - Understand your deductible and out-of-pocket maximum amounts.

Cost estimator search page screenshot

Find Healthcare Costs

  1. Sort your results by distance
  2. Use filters to sort results by cost, alphabetical order, or by ratings Cost Details
  3. Select Details to see what makes up the total cost of a procedure
  4. Clinical outcome ratings for hospitals are provided by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS). Ratings are refreshed on a quarterly basis

Find healthcare costs page screenshot

Using Quick Search

Search for providers using the Quick Search tiles on the right-hand side of the page.

  1. Select the type of provider
  2. The See Costs & Savings tile appears when members sign in

Quick search tiles

Refine your search to meet your needs.

  1. Open the left-hand filters.
  2. Select multiple options.

Quick search tiles