Medical Events
A count of any known medical event within the last 14 months
Medical PMPM
Medical Cost per member per month for the current rolling 12 month period.
MHSA Admissions per 1K
Number of MHSA Admissions per 1000 members in the current rolling 12 month period
New Patients
Number of patients newly attributed to provider within the last 3 months
Non-Acute Admissions per 1K
Number of Non-Acute Admissions per 1000 patients in the current rolling 12 month period
Not Seen by PCP Practice in the last 12 Months
Number of patients who have not seen their attributed primary care provider practice for an Evaluation and Management visit within the last 12 months
Number of Acute IP Admits
A patient's de-duplicated count of Acute Inpatient admission in the last 14 months as sourced from both census and claims data
Number of ED Visits
The count of a patient's visits to an Emergency Department in the last 14 months. Does not include ED visits that resulted in an admission
Number of Non-Acute IP Admits
A patient's de-duplicated count of Non-Acute Inpatient admission in the last 14 months as sourced from both census and claims data
Number of Prescriptions Filled
The count of 30-day equivalent pharmacy claims during the last 14 months
Number of Specialty Visits
The count of a patient's visits to specialist providers in the last 14 months
Open Activities
Number of open Coding, Quality, and Custom QI opportunities for follow up
Open Coding Opportunities
Number of patients with all open missing and suspect HCCs
Open Custom QI Opportunities
Number of patients with open Custom Quality Initiative Opportunities
Open Quality Opportunities
Number of patients with open Quality Opportunities
Overall Adherence %
Percentage of closed quality opportunities over the total number of quality opportunities for the selected population
Patient Age
The age of the patient as of the last day of the previous month
Patient Alerts
Count of automated alerts which have been triggered
Patient Attribution - New to Existing Cohort
Indicates if the Patient has been attributed to the Cohort in the last 3 months
Patient Attribution - Newly Attributed Patient
Indicates if the Patient has been attributed to the Provider Practice in the last 3 months
Patient Attribution - Not Seen by Attributed PCP in Previous 12 Months
Indicates patients who have not seen their attributed primary care provider practice for an Evaluation and Management visit within the last 12 months
Patient Attribution - Previously Attributed to Another Provider
Indicates if the Patient was assigned to another Provider in the previous rolling 12 month period
Patient Exclusion
The reason which an ACA is requesting that a patient be excluded from custom QI obligations
Patient Exclusion Outcome
Outcome of a patient exclusion which has been submitted by an ACA to remove a patient from custom QI obligations
Patient Status
The calculated status of a patient to determine if all custom QI opportunities have been effectively closed
Patients Currently Admitted
Number of attributed patients currently admitted to an acute or MHSA inpatient facility. This number is updated daily.
Patients in Panel
Number of patients currently attributed and enrolled in a health plan, includes current and newly attributed patients
Patients Nearing Opportunity Date
Number of patients who have an opportunity due date within the next three (3) months
Payer - Name - Patients
A summary of counts of patients by payer
Quality Opportunities - Closed - Patients
The count of HEDIS-driven quality opportunities which have been closed
Quality Opportunities - Open - Patients
The count of HEDIS-driven quality opportunities which are still open
Quality Opportunities - Pending - Patients
The count of HEDIS-driven quality opportunities which have been submitted by an ACA and are awaiting audit.
Quality Opportunities - Snoozed - Patients
The count of HEDIS-driven quality opportunities which have been postponed by the ACA for review at a future date
The RAF is the patients' risk score if they are assigned to the practice and have a Medicare Advantage insurance product. The risk score is determined using the CMS risk adjustment model
Recent ED visit
Number of patients with an Emergency Department visit within the last 15 months
Risk Assessment - Demographic or Actuarial Risk Score
Indicates if the Patient has a High Demographic or Actuarial Risk Score (i.e. Patient is in the top 5% of the patient population based on descending prospective risk score)
Risk Assessment - High Condition Risk
Indicates if the Patient has a High Condition Risk Score (i.e. Patient is in the top 5% of the patient population based on descending prospective risk score)
Risk Assessment - High RAF/CRA
Indicates if the Patient has a High RAF/CRA (i.e. Patient is in the top 5% of the patient population based on descending prospective risk score)
STARS Adherence %
Percentage of closed STARs opportunities (Medicare only) over the total number of STARs opportunities for the selected population.
Sum of Alerts
A sum of all automated alerts set up within Care Collaborator
Total # of Closed Coding Opportunities
For a given member, the total number of Instances defined by a set of standardized HCC where actionable steps have been taken to achieve compliance or non-compliance based on missing or suspect opportunities
Total # of Closed Custom QI Opportunities
For a given member, the number of instances to improve the patient satisfaction of care (as per the agreement by the Health System and Practice) that have been met
Total # of Closed Quality Opportunities
From a review of members' clinical events, circumstances that are defined as clinical opportunities are reviewed to check for anticipated current or subsequent actions. If those actions are found, the opportunity is considered closed and counted here
Total # of Current Care Programs
The number of recommended care opportunities identified for a member that remain open
Total # of HCCs Missing
For a given patient, the total number of situations where a retrospective review of the patient's coded history would likely indicate the presence of a condition unlikely to have resolved, and hence inadvertently and incidentally left out of their current claims coding
Total # of HCCs Suspected
For a given patient, the total number of situations where advanced algorithms have predicted a patient may have a condition not present in their claims coding, due to the presence of other factors observed in the claims data and often seen with the suspect condition
Total # of Open Coding Opportunities
For a given member, the total number of Instances defined by a set of standardized HCC where actionable steps can be taken to achieve compliance or non-compliance based on missing or suspect opportunities
Total # of Open Custom QI Opportunities
For a given member, the number of instances to improve the patient satisfaction of care (as per the agreement by the Health System and Practice) that have not been met
Total # of Open Quality Opportunities
From a review of members' clinical events, circumstances that are defined as clinical opportunities are reviewed to check for anticipated current or subsequent actions. If those actions are not found, the opportunity is considered open and counted here
Total # of Pending Coding Opportunities
Count of pending coding opportunities
Total # of Pending Custom QI Opportunities
For a given member, the number of instances to improve the patient satisfaction of care (as per the agreement by the Health System and Practice) that are awaiting Audit Review of Patient Exclusions
Total # of Pending Quality Opportunities
Count of pending quality opportunities
Total # of Snoozed Coding Opportunities
count of snoozed coding opportunities
Total # of Snoozed Custom QI Opportunities
For a given member, the number of instances to improve the patient satisfaction of care (as per the agreement by the Health System and Practice) that have been temporarily postponed
Total # of Snoozed Quality Opportunities
count of snoozed quality opportunities
Total # of STARS Opportunities
Sum of Open Quality Opportunities for STAR Measures
Total Closed/Pending Opportunities
Count of closed and pending quality opportunities for the selected population
Total Open Opportunities
Count of open quality opportunities for the selected population
Total PMPM
Total Cost per member per month for the current rolling 12 month period